You might want to have achievement testing done like the Woodcock Johnson Achievement or WIAT and see if those percentiles are high enough to warrant skipping grades. Or ask the school if they have done above-level testing, such as a computerized test for math/reading. You don't want him to miss a lot of academic material that he hasn't learned yet. Did the psych say anything about the processing speed score? That is a very large gap and it could indicate a disability. My 8 year old DD's scores are very similar but her perceptual reasoning score and verbal comprehension scores are reversed, with PR being the highest. She is very strong with math and not quite as strong with reading (but advanced with both). She skipped a grade already and is in third grade and doing fine, but because of her lowish processing speed (34th percentile?), she is slow with written work which has caused some problems. Her fine motor skills are not the best, so she writes slowly. Plus she has ADHD and that slows her down as well. Ask the teacher if he is slow with written work.