My son is a dual US/UK citizen. Yes, Eton is improving its record and financial aid. They've got links now with Boston Latin (oldest grammar school in US), Philips, and other boarding schools. My UK husband, however, also says Eton needs to cough up more. About 20% of students at Eton receive substantial aid compared to Exeter's 45%. Moreover, Exeter, Philips, and other boarding schools in the US offer a total free ride to students whose families make less than $75,000.

Schools like Eton have been exclusive by their nature for a reason. Not everyone goes to Juilliard or London School of Music at a young age like some prodigies do either. I could be wrong but I don't think prodigies or pg kids from poor/er families make up the bulk of the population at somewhere like Eton, Juilliard, Philips, or Exeter since these schools need money to come in and they can't rest on their endowments.