My DD would probably dress you down quite furiously for that remark, Bostonian. wink

Actually, I would not describe DS as "obsessive" about chess. Chess is joy for him. What I see with him and chess is not something I have seen often in my lifetime.

DD tends a bit more towards obsessive in personality than he does, TBH. DS is also dramatically more emotionally self-aware, has a much higher EQ, and is far tidier. Oh, and a much better dancer. DD can draw better, though. They both are uninterested in babies. Neither has ever liked superheroes, but they both loved cars as toddlers, though neither cares about them now. DD seems to be better in math than DS is currently shaping up to be, and DS read more than a year earlier than DD. And...

Wait, did none of that fit in the boxes?? wink