Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
Hahahahahahaha! Among other complaints is that DS takes a REALLY long time to work the pencil sharpener. I am just proud of myself that I didn't laugh during the meeting - cause the teacher was dead serious on this being a "problem".

Well, now, really -- who doesn't? Pencil sharpeners are fun. And pencils these days are excrement. They never sharpen on both sides at the same time, no matter what kind of sharpener you use. And just when you think it's going well, the lead breaks and you have to sharpen off a bunch more.

Change your IEP to include (1) mechanical pencils, or (2) a para to assist DS with the sharpening of pencils in a timely manner, or (3) the teacher provides a supply of freshly sharpened pencils on DS' desk every day. smile