Fantastic polarbear! This is all wonderful!

"What do you show the school to prove your ds is making adequate progress at home? What type of things does your school district expect you to keep as a record of progress?"

In our state, I am required to show NOTHING to the school about progress at home. In fact, I don't even have to answer their questions. The burden is 100% on the school to demonstrate that I am failing at homeschooling. And failure, in my state, means that I am educating my son at a standard below the school's standard. So, the school is completely aware that they can't really do anything here. And of course, the standard at home is way above the standard at school, so there is nothing for them to attack.

In thinking about all the possibilities, I think that the principal and some of the teachers may feel embarrassed. They are always speaking to parents about how individualized their education is and how wonderful it is. And here I am pulling my son out of school everyday because it's none of those things. And the staff has been really good about convincing other parents that things are really great at school. Other parents who weren't satisfied have left. But I am a source of embarrassment for them because I'm still there and I'm a reminder every day that what they are doing isn't working.

I will think some more about this. Thanks!