Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
The big issue seems to be that the 5th grade teacher is getting cold feet about the acceleration. She is concerned that DS cannot keep up with the writing aspect (everyday math, folks). He DOES struggle with that. Mainly just with his speed of output. But the bottom line is that he has what would be an A- in the class just based on tests and quizzes. When the teacher figures in other things (minute math drills, the lack of shown work in assignments) it brings DS down to a C+. This doesn't bother DH and I in the least. But this teacher appears to be concerned and wants to send him back to 4th grade math.

Our task, as we see it, is to do some hand holding with the 5th grade teacher. We've thanked her for her ability to experiment and allow DS in her class. She really likes DS and helps him out a lot. But in the grand scheme of things, we think this subject acceleration has been a great success. So what if DS can't keep up with the notetaking or cutting with scissors? He feels challenged and is enjoying himself. I can't really see the problem actually. (Pipe up friends, if you can see a problem here!)

Not a problem that I can see. In fact, my perfectionist DD8 with a single grade skip + G/T class (which is advertised to represent another grade's worth of acceleration) brought home her report card last night, prompting an explanation of why her "B" grades represent a real win for her placement.