Originally Posted by Loy58
I don't think that this is usually the teacher's fault - again, my DC's teachers are clearly told to share limited information with parents. If you've already asked the teacher, you may need to ask the principal next. I had to do this to get one set of test scores - then I had to set up a meeting just to get them. The meeting was actually COMPLETELY unnecessary, but I jumped through their hoops in an effort to avoid an adversarial situation. I want the school to feel like my partner, not my adversary - so I was firm, but as completely NON-adversarial as possible. Keep FERPA in your back pocket, and use if necessary. I "enforced FERPA" without outright mentioning it, if that makes any sense. HTH!

Just one small difference in how this was explained to me - FERPA covers records maintained by a school... whereas some of the new longitudinal data collection and student information systems may maintain the data elsewhere (such as at a test provider or in a state-wide or national database, etc). As I understand it, this is why some school districts and states may be considering introducing new policies and laws in regard to student data and information.

While considering or undertaking advocacy at various levels, I definitely agree it is in everyone's best interests to not be adversarial toward the teachers (or anyone). Researching, gaining background information, keeping records at home of when DC took various assessments, can all be done peacefully and pleasantly. smile