I don't think that this is usually the teacher's fault - again, my DC's teachers are clearly told to share limited information with parents. If you've already asked the teacher, you may need to ask the principal next. I had to do this to get one set of test scores - then I had to set up a meeting just to get them. The meeting was actually COMPLETELY unnecessary, but I jumped through their hoops in an effort to avoid an adversarial situation. I want the school to feel like my partner, not my adversary - so I was firm (as my child's first teacher, wouldn't I be the person MOST interested in my child's scores?), but as completely NON-adversarial as possible. Keep FERPA in your back pocket, and use if necessary. I "enforced FERPA" without outright mentioning it, if that makes any sense.

In our case, there was nothing unusual going on - the school simply decided not to send out the scores to parents (I guess they have since changed this for this particular test). DD was above-grade level in her scores, but the school simply had chosen to not share them with any of the parents - which is wrong, IMO.