Met with DD's summer internship advisor, who went to bat with THEIR dean... and it sounds as though their dean is on extremely good terms with the dean of the honors college.

Advisor clearly doesn't want to lose DD to another institution.

Update an hour later is that the dean of the honors college is going to render a decision on DD's application and they'll notify her by mail.

Now, personally, I think that they ought to let her know via e-mail given the grief that they've caused her. Oh well. We should know by the middle of next week as if all of this never happened.

(Advisor commented, when told of the "very competitive applicant pool" and "not sure they can make another slot" -- "Oh, {BS}. She WILL get in." That was a pretty great thing to hear after the Friday run-in with the adcom in Honors.)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.