Originally Posted by CFK
I don't understand this either. None of the universities my son looked at and/or applied to required any thing other than the general app required by any other applicant (whether it was the Common App or the university's own app). He was 14 at the time.

He was also never required to submit any extra documentation when he started taking courses at two different universities as a dual enrollment student. And he was 12 then!

Edited to add: a lot of schools allow entrance into Honors Program after first semester if grades were excellent. Might be an option?

Exactly-- we never had to do a thing re: dual enrollment stuff this way.

The community college has a specific form for this when the student is below age 16. Fine-- but they have the form. They KNOW-- and always let you know right away.

I wasn't terribly surprised that they wanted something from us-- just that they said "nope, you're good-- now just wait" several times before deciding that they wanted it, ohhhh, a month ago. Surprise!

Yes, we're talking gap year-- this program is a 4yr program, so 'transfer' students come into a different track with the honors college. A gap year will put a kink in some things, and she will probably be ineligible to work with her mentor given the way that grant money supplies funding to the lab, but we'll have to see what the other options are at this point.

We're a little concerned about class size, discussion level, and teaching quality at this institution outside of that honors college. Not sure that we WILL send her there if she's not admitted.

We still expect that she will be. I have one more ace to play, but I hate to do it. We also need the extra time because they have probably never had to consider the kinds of accommodations that DD is going to need on campus. More time is better for EVERYONE there, ahead of orientation and assumptions about on-campus residency for freshman.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.