Well, so that's what I did. I called and said "Are you SURE that you don't have a form or something for this thing that you are requiring of us, that you've apparently NEVER encountered before, ever-ever?"

Honestly I wound up feeling like I knew a lot more about the legal reasons for this requirement than the person I was on the phone with, for whatever that is worth.

This is the (redacted, obviously) version of what we're giving them. I'll update when I know what their legal department has to say about it (if anything):

1. I give my daughter,{name}, permission to attend {Institution name}.

2. I understand that {Uni} is an adult learning environment, with expectations of mature judgment and conduct, and autonomous decision-making on the part of students. I understand that the university is not obligated to operate in loco parentis.

3. I understand that my child is, at {age} years of age as of {enrollment term}, under the typical age of enrollment. I attest that her behavior will conform to the standards expected of all {Uni} students.

The admissions person's version was "I understand that this is an adult learning environment" and "I give my permission for {kid} to enroll at {uni.}"

Which I happen to know leaves out that in loco parentis bit, and is WAY WAY less than most of the local CC's include.

We shall see.

Off to the campus.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.