My kids actually miss being in school when they're off for more than a two-day weekend

I've just had an a-ha moment! DS USED TO BE like this. For PreK and K, DS would miss school terribly on the weekend. Last year he would groan when having to return to school. Same this year. What has made school acceptable this year, for him is: the partial acceleration in the morning and the ability to leave for the afternoon. But he also loves the bus ride (15 minutes) and eating with his friends. Although, for K and 1, he would be happy to eat lunch with anyone. Now the group that he wants to eat with has dwindled down to 2-3 kids. Though he is sociable and polite, he is much much more selective with regard to who he wants to be with. And in fact, if he knows that a friend will be absent, DS will also want to be absent.

I am thinking that I am going to feel out the local homeschool community much more in the next few weeks. I am curious to see what is out there. If I could find just 1-2 interesting kids/families for DS, I think it may become a far more attractive option to DS.

For those of you who have made the switch from B+M schools to full time homeschool, did you ask your children what they wanted?