somewhereonearth, I can't help you with advice on homeschooling, but I'm interested in this question - I totally understand (and have seen first hand among my homeschooling friends) that there are many opportunities to offer up social experiences for homeschooled students, but I often wonder how it would work out for kids who are extroverted and really thrive off of a daily schedule that involves being *with* other kids for lunch, listening to teachers, recess, etc. I am not explaining it very well, but these are things that are hugely important to two of my kids in their overall functioning, and I honestly don't see how you would replicate that in a homeschool environment. My kids actually miss being in school when they're off for more than a two-day weekend smile (and just for the record, we're a fun family and our kids participate in a ton of fun and challenging extra-curricular activities as well as have friends outside of school - they just really really like the social part of going to school).

We've been lucky in that we've had options to choose from for actual b&m schools - I hope that you're able to find some solution for your ds. The idea that the school is trying to put up such a brick wall to his math acceleration *now* - after having already offered it - is just horrible!

Best wishes,
