I have only had informal discussions so far. We are still waiting on the report.

This is a very small private school and there are a lot of really nice things about it. It is near us, it is affordable, it has a 1st-8th mixed class for next year, they do weekly French, cooking, yoga, art and music. The people are nice and DS likes to go there.

We would really like it to work. The down side is that there is no special education coordinator or gifted coordinator or school psychologist to put any of this in perspective or offer suggestions. It is a group of nice teachers that started a school over thirty years ago because they thought they could make a better school.

I am hoping the report explains it all in a way that doesn't lead them to conclude "All kids have strengths and weaknesses. He just needs to try harder to work through his weaknesses"

Our plan is to accommodate at school and remediate with an OT and outside tutors.