Thanks Pemberley and KJP for the links. I've read through a couple of the articles and I definitely share in HappilyMom's aha moment. My DS7 was in the 9th%tile for Processing Speed when they tested him last year and I still feel like I'm wrapping my head around what that really means. Rigidity describes him to a T. Even as an infant transitions were traumatic. We've made a lot of improvements but then something like the usual dental hygienist being on Mat leave last week completely threw him into a meltdown. It was one thing to have a tantrumming toddler but at 7 it is a bit much. This kid can be exhausting (but then turn around and be so crazy sweet and smart).

I also agree with the above - do the best you can with the info you have and don't beat yourself up for the past. Now I think I'll send that to myself as a reminder once a week/day/hour - ha ha wink

Thanks so much! Good luck in your journeys.