We did a couple months of this -

DS then started to fight it so we stopped. Not sure if it was making a difference but it was free and started off fun for him so figured there wasn't much risk.

I don't have his IEP in front of me which has more but the main ones that I feel make a difference are
- scribing - we were allowed to scribe for him for all of his homework (and he had lots since his teacher basically sent home everything that he didn't do at school which was basically everything they did last year). At school the teacher or a parent volunteer could scribe.
- oral testing instead of written - much of grade 1 was done this way anyway but will likely be more of an issue as he gets older.
- when they have to copy stuff off of the board he used to get a copy of his own at his desk to copy from instead.

We don't have this but I will be arguing for it to be added next time we review his IEP
- reduced/differentiated work - honestly this kid doesn't need to do 30 math problems such as 5+4. Give him 5 3 digit addition problems and he will magically be able to write the answers but the easy ones he can't be bothered with. His school is supposed to be differentiating but I haven't seen it in math and he is bored out of his mind.

Grade 1 was the worst for us since it was the big adjustment to sitting at a desk and being expected to write things. He was also really frustrated because he knows he is super smart but he felt dumb watching the other kids easily write 4 page stories. After testing we talked to him about the results and that also seemed to help take the edge off. We didn't go into huge detail but just said that he was really smart at some things like science and math (this wasn't news to him) and that other things were a lot harder such as writing and that was ok. Everyone has different things that they are really good at and then other things that take a lot more work. We also talked about how riding a bike or skating were really hard when he started but he stuck with it, practiced lots and now he's really good at them to try to make writing practice seem less like torture.

Grade 2 seems to be better and his writing is slowly improving which has helped. He also has a WAY better teacher which has made a big difference. YMMV but maybe that gives some ideas. I'll try to go through his IEP and see what I missed later tonight.