Last spring (a year post testing) I showed DS7 the bell curve chart his psychologist had prepared to illustrate his WISC index scores. I did so because his school frustrations had left him anxious, demoralized and holding a negative view of his abilities. Going over the significant gap between his PSI and other scores helped him understand his challenges. Explaining the bell curve and pointing out where his other scores sat on it helped him see his potential. Sharing that information had an immediate, positive, effect on him. It wasn't necessary to give him hard numbers, but I may well do that as he matures if I think the specific data will help him in either advocacy or awareness.

We take a hard line with both DCs on being smart not making you all that. Working hard, challenging yourself and using your smarts are what count.

We also routinely reinforce being mindful of the feelings of classmates who may learn more slowly. A review of that with DD5 was necessary recently after she chortled about the ease of classwork to the entire class (which did not appear to share her view). Interestingly, DS7 jumped in and started explaining the bell curve to her, where he sat, that she likely sat there, too, and what that meant for her learning speed. It was awesome!