I was tested during the middle of elementary school. It was a part of some relative's graduate work. My brother and my cousin were tested too. Apparently I was the underdog in the family betting pool on who would have the highest score. It was quite the upset when I beat them by about fifteen points. So I heard my score and the scores for my brother and cousin.

I don't remember telling my friends at school. I think NKOTB and Ninja Turtles were far more interesting to my classmates at the time.

Despite my family's carelessness in handling this situation, we all turned out fine. For those that define "fine" with degrees earned - (Brother, MD, Cousin, MBA and Me, JD) and for those with a more general definition of "fine", we are all happy people in stable relationships working in careers we enjoy.

The message I got out of it was "You are smart enough to do whatever you want. So if you aren't a successful person doing whatever it is you want to do, it is your own fault for not trying hard enough because you have the ability"

I am not promoting what my family did as the way to handle this. I just wanted to share what happened to me.