Another Rogue practice-- ... the CURRICULUM doesn't seem to actually, um... support the content that is evaluated by assessments?
Agreed. Some have suggested to the educational institution that they audit, review, and cross-reference their assessment questions, labeling each with where the material appears and is sourced from in the curriculum... likewise labeling the curriculum as to which assessment item(s) it feeds into. When the curriculum or assessment may change, the educational institution may easily follow through to synchronize the two.

... students in this course are ALSO punished for using concepts beyond those 'taught' (I obviously use the term euphemistically).
Censoring knowledge accumulated outside the classroom, in a FREE society?! Chilling. Imagine a future where one must receive permission to know anything beyond that which is specified: ... permission to travel, to self-select books to read... as those may accumulate knowledge.

Here is a roundup of toxic educational practices regarding grading.

Requiring a child to choose between advanced work or social inclusion is another toxic educational practice. More at this post, which highlights a few points from an article on the Davidson Database called "Gifted Children: Youth Mental Health Update" (Julia Osborn, 1996).

Here's a post including reasons which some schools have given for not cluster-grouping children by similar level of ability and readiness. sick These are examples of working against the mental health of the gifted pupils.

Many of these experiences serve to undermine the growth of gifted pupils and/or invalidate the academic needs and/or social inclusion needs of gifted pupils, causing the gifted to become collateral damage of an educational system which is focused on closing gaps and achieving equal outcomes.

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NOTE: The article "Gifted children: Youth mental health update" by Julia Osborn, 1996, published by Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Schneider Children's Hospital, is backed up on WayBack Machine, Internet archive.
1) article -
2) list of archive dates/times -