Ultramarina, I have the exact same problem! DS isn't a problem for fingernails, because he chews his down to the bone, but DD sports some truly horrendous ones sometimes. And I have problems remembering to clip the dog's nails, too, because I've never really had inside dogs, and outside dogs keep their own nails worn down. For the kids (and me), appearance is an afterthought -- I'm lucky to get to the store and discover that DD actually has shoes on, and no peanut butter on her face.

Scarily enough, that program Val posted sounds very much like our school and Everyday Math -- although as far as I can tell, they do still value correct answers. The rest, all the "family game night" and spiraling and teaching fifteen different ways to do everything, that's quite familiar. I did notice that DS's 8th grade math syllabus mentions that some things will be graded on participation and completion, not answers, and other things will be graded on answers, so maybe we're sliding now. It also seemed a bit heavy on the "math takes practice to be good" and "you will get better at math". Well, yes, I'd like him to practice and also to get better, but those seem to me to imply that everyone is expected to be awful at math.