Originally Posted by blackcat
... I had to educate them...special education categories ... no communication between the two.
At the beginning of the year when I talked to the teachers, they sounded nice and reasonable so I had high hopes..."
Yes, we become uncredentialed, unofficial experts in so many things life may throw at us, and then may wonder why the credentialed teachers we entrust our children to may *not* already know these things. Possibly more teacher programs and ongoing professional development could include teaching about special ed?

Originally Posted by blackcat
... Sorry this is so long and negative--I didn't want to get long-winded about all of my other issues with the school, but the thread went off on a tangent.
No problem, not to worry, very understandable given the circumstances. Advocacy can be exhausting and bewildering. For what its worth, I believe your efforts will have lasting positive ripple effects on many lives. I'm proud of you and admire your persistence. smile