Originally Posted by blackcat
... CogAt... practice tests online. So the 1 percent of kids who are actually going to GATE may not even be "gifted", they just had parents who prepped them for the test.
Yes and no. Free practice tests online, offered by the testing company, are generally considered becoming acquainted with the test and are not considered prep or gaming the system; Those terms are often reserved for purchased prep materials from the testing company, and those available from other parties, respectively. Individuals most often aware of free practice tests online may be those who are educators, have an older child in the system, volunteer at school, research extensively online, join forums, and/or socialize with other parents having an older child in the system. Those who may be unaware of practice tests online may be those learning the ropes as they shepherd their first child through the system, those who do not join committees, participate in forums, research online, socialize with other parents, or volunteer in the classroom.

Originally Posted by blackcat
There are very rigid cut-offs. Kids have to have a composite score of 139 or 132 with 98-99 percent in reading AND math.
This sounds like 98th percentile, top 2%.

Originally Posted by blackcat
I'm debating having DD tested independently because of her ADHD and have her take a real IQ test but I'm not sure if the district will even accept that.
They may not, however it may be good for you to have that information at the ready for future.

You may wish to check your school board's policies for any information and guidance which may manage expectations regarding their services for gifted pupils. In some cases parents may find policy and practice statements including qualification information such as whether independent test results are accepted, and under what circumstances.

Here may be the dilemma you might face: If DD's independent test results present what you believe to be a score equivalent to a qualifying score on the school's qualifying exam... the degree of accommodation for her ADHD (if any) on the independent test may be an indicator of the degree of accommodation DD may need on an ongoing basis to participate in the gifted program, in order to not slow the program down and deprive others of their right to a free, appropriate education... if the school accepted the independent test results. This may lead to the question - Have you sought an accommodation from the school for DD's 2e or learning disability?