Absolutely Blackcat, homework is our responsibility to accommodate, it is not in the school setting so they have no way to assess it. Without assessment they have no leg to stand on to make demands. Don't ask what's okay, just do what you are comfortable with.

A common recommendation I see both here and elsewhere on-line is to replace homework sheets with something appropriate. Ie extension topic math instead of 2+2. It's suggested to send in a very short note with the first returned homework. Something like, "Dear teacher, we will be substituting extension homework of a level commensurate with DSs preparation for topics that DS has mastered" or something like that. Usually seems to go over fine. What the bright kid does at home is the least of their worries. Just one note at the beginning of the year.

My note also said, "As you know, DS has a fine motor impairment. We will be scribing his homework for him so that he can finish his homework in a reasonable amount of time."

In addition I cut homework time off at a certain time with which I'm comfortable, homework in 1st grade in my mind takes 10-15 min max unless it's outright fun. If not finished simply attach a note that says, "DS worked for a reasonable time with excellent effort on this homework and clearly understands the concepts. I asked him to stop at question X".

I have also seen people send in notes saying, "DS is still adjusting to the school day and we will have him begin doing homework when we feel he is ready for it". Or "and we will have him begin submitting homework assignments after Xmas break".

I think especially in 1st grade it is difficult for a teacher to argue, there's enough of a controversy over whether any homework is acceptable in 1st grade that the teacher hopefully will just be relieved your note doesn't say he won't do any homework for a year.

Last edited by Polly; 10/06/13 11:36 AM.