Originally Posted by Loy58
I am waiting for conferences, where hopefully we'll finally see some current test results and obtain some more information about what is planned... I really just hope we can come up with a great plan for him at conferences.
Hope is great, but teachers cannot read minds and may not know what you are expecting or hoping for, unless there is planning and communication. Some districts encourage parents to prepare well for the notoriously brief parent-teacher conferences. The Davidson Database (http://www.davidsongifted.org/) lists several resources for "parent teacher conference", including:
1) http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Articles_id_10296.aspx
2) http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Resources_id_12628.aspx
3) http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Articles_id_10286.aspx
4) http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Articles_id_10050.aspx