Originally Posted by blackcat
When I talked to the school psych, she said she'd give her the Weschler non-verbal ability test. I looked this up and half of the test looks like the processing speed/working memory portions similar to what you'd find on the WISC IV (which I'm familiar with since DS just took it). Unlike the WISC, there would be no way to separate that out and calculate a GAI. So I am left with the dilemma of arguing with the school psych about it, taking her elsewhere and hope they accept the scores, etc.
I think it is a strong positive that the school had next steps and mind and shared with you the exact test they would plan to administer. Very encouraging, they seem to be offering good support and partnering with you. Possibly you may wish to ask the school psych what cut scores she would be looking for on the Welscher, and whether she is able to approximate IQ scores from the results.

Meanwhile Hoagies Gifted Education Page contains a vast collection of information on various tests, maybe you've read these? http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/highly_profoundly.htm, http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/tests.htm
Here is another link with some information about the Welscher which may be of interest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wechsler_Intelligence_Scale_for_Children