Originally Posted by Windyx
Originally Posted by deacongirl
Re: WPPSI, there was a 1 SD difference b/t my dd12 on WPPSI at 6 and WISC at 10, and WISC was more accurate. (this was likely due to perfectionism on WPPSI IMO).

1 SD - isn't that 15 points? Is that considered significant? Seems quite significant to me ... And did the WISC give a higher or lower score?

I wonder why some testers choose SB5 over WPPSI-III and vice versa. But the fact that she was tested on WPPSI-III and that Davidson requires a 150 on WPPSI-III compared to 145 on the other tests also makes me wonder if test scores on WPPSI-III are inflated. I actually asked the psych whether her scores could be artificially inflated somehow but she was very adamant that that couldn't be the case because she did not accommodate her at all.

I will try to put her into mainstream school next year, thus ending my homeschool journey for now at least. And yes I do wonder whether, in advocating for grade acceleration (although the chances of that being granted in her school are very slim) would be in her best interests. The only thing I know is that, I really hope she has a good experience in school and that I don't get all that feedback about my kid being inattentive, naughty, uncooperative etc again. It gets really sad. She really is just the kind of kid that so far, NO teacher or coach has liked.

Yes, that is significant, IMO. In my dd's case, I believe the lower WPPSI score was totally due to perfectionism (not answering unless she was sure she was right) and a tester not experienced with gifted kids--I took her to the tester at the Down syndrome clinic my son went to because the price was right...) I anticipate that my younger dd's WISC score will be higher as well, because she was wiggly and not totally cooperative, and I think perfectionism and just quirkiness plays a role with her. I have heard of higher scores on WPPSI than WISC, I think if a kid does fully cooperate on WPPSI this might be possible. But I doubt it would be a hugely signicant amt. In my older dd's case, the successful skip and achievement shows WISC was more accurate. Good luck.