
I am glad that somewhere out there, someone has a kid like mine! Yay! YOur son certainly sounds a lot like my daughter. It IS so frustrating at times isn't it? I laughed at your last line because I am definitely a mom who needs all her ducks in a row too LOL. I am auditory sequential and she is visual spatial. We clash so much.

Overexcitabilities - hers are not the clothes tags variety. It's more like food texture (doesn't like chicken), she likes crunchy things, and generally she is more hyposensitive than hypersensitive. She does talk too loud though (reminds of of Austin Powers ... "I have problems CONTROLLING THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!" LOL). And is constantly fidgeting, spinning, chewing chewing and chewing. She LOVES to feel compressed and squeezes herself into tight spaces sometimes. Wears double layers and likes tights. Has very poor body awareness. Constantly annoys her sister and friends with her constant moving.

Also I think she has imaginational over excitability. She is SO lost in her daydreams. To talk to her I have to go right up to her and hold her by the shoulders and ask her to listen 'with your eyes' and even then her eyes will look right through me while she says in a zombie-like voice ... "yess.....". It is SO hard to get her attention. During swim class she is the only kid in a class of 3 who is not doing what the others are doing. She often escapes to the NEXT pool and her poor coach has to go over there and fish her out cos she just won't respond when called.

I always tell people, that she is like that kid in Sesame Street, the one who is always "doing his own thing". See this youtube video here:

Yup, that's my kid.