
In all of the forums, articles and blogs I have read regarding gifted children, I have never ran across someone describe their child SO much like my own! My son is 6 years old and going into 1st grade this fall. We have not had him tested yet, but I feel as though it will become a necessity sometime in the future to advocate for his education.

My frustration lies in that fact that it is hard for teachers to see the extent of his intelligence, he seems to never pay attention in class, and have his head in the clouds constantly. His intelligence is not readily apparent and is unmotivated, but as soon as he takes interest in a topic, he devours it, but it has to be on his terms and his terms only. Of course this never happens in school, because as he said to me the other day, I didn't learn anything in kindergarten. I wish we could take him out to homeschool, but it just isnt an option for us.

I love your description of extracurricular activities. Last soccer season our son found more amusement running around on the lines of the soccer field than running after the ball, and in Tae Kwon Do he has been on a white belt with a yellow stripe for longer than I care to count, has no motivation to move up, and really only cares to go and play and roll around on the mats!

We have seriously thought about hearing testing, we are repeating ourselves constantly, and constantly trying to get his attention, I love the description of too many other thoughts in his head.. it fits him to a tee. He also talks extremely loud and we are constantly having to tell him to quiet down.

we try to have rules in place for getting out of line at home or at school, but you can tell that he always weighs the consequences, in deciding if he will break the rule. And many more times than not, the consequence is so worth breaking the rule to him.

Does your daughter have a lot of overexcitabilities? We constantly deal with clothes or blankets that are too itchy, and hair cuts are just too itchy without a cover. He cant sleep in PJ's, and has to sleep in a soft fleece blanket.

we frequently describe our son as a moving target and an enigma. I dont believe I will ever figure him out. He is such a happy go lucky spirit, and coming from a mom who needs all her ducks in a row, this is a hard concept for me to grasp!