Originally Posted by ultramarina
At 8? Sure, I think this kid probably has impulse control problems. He might have ADHD. He might just be a bit wild. But a lifetime of antisocial behavior? Maybe, but only because 1) he killed his sibling in a terrible accident 2) people will pass cruel judgement.

He's a child. Children do foolish, foolish things. I jumped off the roof holding an umbrella at around 8, a la Mary Poppins. (Fortunately, it WAS a low roof.)

I agree completely.

At around the same age, I jumped off a slide onto a see-saw that my very best friend had been persuaded to stand upon. He flew off and landed on a yard toy and broke his arm. We had been emulating a circus act.

We also started fires in the backyard in our own "brick ovens" to "bake" our own chocolate (mud) pies!

What can you say? Kids will be kids. Parents are always "putting out fires"!