Ha! That's one way to make sure your kids don't take the car -- hide the keys in your neighbor's sewer pipes. laugh

I haven't seen your scissors, or mine, or any working pens, pencils with lead, highlighters, markers, glue sticks (just searched the house for those last night), rechargeable batteries, flashlights with said batteries, or my sanity.

I don't even have a medicine cabinet, much less a key for one -- we have to keep all that stuff under the sink, and the child locks have been off for at least a couple of years (given that DD is 7, but I'm lazy).

I do hide my purse when my son has friends spending the night, but that's because one of them took some money from me a few years ago when we took him to state for DI. I don't tempt fate (or kids) with money anymore, but I really don't believe even he would steal my car. After the trouble he was in when he got home from DI, I don't think he would get near my money again, either, but there's no sense taking chances.

A guy in the story comments says I'm an idiot and it's just like leaving a loaded gun where the kids can get it. Umm, no, not really. Kids will pick up a gun. They are far less likely to steal a car, even if they pick up the keys. I wonder if he locks up the kitchen knives at night, and locks the bathroom so nobody can drown in the bathtub? Does he sleep in front of the door to make sure nobody leaves the house?

Insanity, pure insanity.