Originally Posted by SiaSL
When writing and unless corrected she goes left to right with her right hand and right to left with her left hand. She often draws with a marker in each hand. It is cute now.

SiaSL, I had a prof in college who was ambidextrous and did that with writing - he'd start on the left side of the board, write with his left hand until he got to the middle of the board, then switch to his right hand and write out to the end of the board on the right side. Then he'd walk back to the left side of the board and start all over again with his left hand. When it was time to erase he'd do the opposite - start on the right side, erase with his right hand until he got to the middle, then switch to the left.

His handwriting looked exactly the same whether using right or left hand. I always thought it was very cool!
