Originally Posted by polarbear
I wonder if perhaps you are right-handed at those things because when you were little you weren't showing a dominant hand preference and you were subtly encouraged to use your right hand for them - nothing forceful, it just happens in our society.

Yes to that.

I have a friend who learned to write by watching her older left-handed sister. She is 100% right-handed, and to this day she writes left-handed. She can write right handed very neatly, but those early years of training mean that writing left-handed remains quicker and less tiring for her.

Which is why I spent so much time arguing with DS's basketball coach back in K, because he was showing all the techniques right handed and I though this was driving my son's resistance to switching to the left hand.

But after one quarter of basketball in K, all other EC experience from preschool onward in sports with no hand work required, he still did over one SD better right handed on the ball throwing OT test in 2nd grade. So I am nearly 100% (there was that horrible PE coach in K-1st...) convinced the right vs. left is wired in and not patterned...

And then there is DD4, who can write, draw and eat with both hands, although she is starting to favor the left one. When writing and unless corrected she goes left to right with her right hand and right to left with her left hand. She often draws with a marker in each hand. It is cute now.