Originally Posted by SiaSL
Speaking of weird, my 2E son is left hand dominant for small motor skills (eating, drawing, scissors writing, writing) but right hand dominant for gross motor (throwing balls). I spent some time arguing with him and sports coaches (speaking of EC activities -- "he is left handed!" "no, I don't want to throw with my left hand!") before an OT eval uncovered the pattern...

You just described my mom, who used her left for writing and scissors, her right for everything else, so it doesn't come across as weird to me. She described her own mom as ambidextrous, though Grandma disputes that.

Me, I'm a natural rightie in pretty much everything, yet for some reason I've always been able to manipulate my left hand in more intricate ways than my right. This is proving to be quite useful (note that I avoided the bad pun "handy," you're welcome) since I took up the guitar.