My guess is that means that they'll be hiring someone who will "teach" about four hours a week, which isn't necessarily good news either.

You might end up pleasantly surprised, too. My best friend from college does this for Japanese for a few school districts in her fairly rural area. She does a few classes a week at a few different schools, cobbling together about a 3/4 time position. And in her case I think the students are getting a great teacher with strong skills. I think there are a fair number of under-employed foreign language majors floating around, and the school might find someone decent. So as you said a few posts ago, at least give it a try.

I am not sure about the SAT II subject test, but like the CLEP I would worry that a student (even a bright one) completing only their 2nd year may not score very well on it. My kids didn't take any language tests, but the College Board suggests 3-4 years of high school German preparation. Although she might as well give it a shot in the spring for placement purposes (after college admissions are all done).