How unfortunate that there is no snappy phrase that perfectly encapsulates not only an unshakable belief in one's own Divine Right to Rule, but also in the power/prestige to make one's will a reality on a regular basis.

Napoleonic? (Or as my DH put it-- how unbelievably egotistical do you have to BE to put your first initial on all of your civic projects, anyway??)

There is "rich" and then there is that level beyond what mere financial security can purchase.

~Unimportant Peon

PS. Perhaps they are Masters of the Universe, these folks? Beyond what mere {fastidious nose-wrinkling} MONEY... can buy, of course. Anyone can make money. It takes a special person to be a Master.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 08/14/13 02:42 PM. Reason: to add my Tom Wolfe reference

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.