Originally Posted by Floridama
I have absolutely no clue as to what the difference is between Harvard, Yale, and the community college down the street, so I don't feel that I am in any position to offer assistance or guidance.

Originally Posted by Floridama
When I said I didn't know the difference between Harvard and community, I was exaggerating a bit. I do understand the basics and am well informed as to our local central Florida options. We live within an hour of USF and UCF which will certainly be on her list to investigate. However, when it comes to the top schools, I am at a total loss as to what (other than money) makes them so special.

Okay, well...my advice would be that when you ask people to spend some time helping you, be sure you ask the precise question you want answered. Personally, I would feel bad if I had led others to waste their time finding information I didn't need but said I did. In this case, it isn't a big deal, but TBH, I don't quite trust you now when you say that you're "at a total loss" about what makes the top schools so special, given your first message's claims about cluelessness. smile

Also, you may want to try formulating your question and just typing it into a search box.