Originally Posted by Bostonian
They think going to Denny's is a real treat. So far, so good.

Hmm. Mine think of it as the least worst option when on the road (ice cream with bacon in it?!? sick )

Seriously, I agree that $250K isn't "rich" by the standards of heavily taxing people. This is because taking, say, $25,000 from people at that income level will affect their standard of living. Alternatively, taking $4 million from someone who has $40 million will not affect his ability to not work and fly private between his 5 nice houses on 5 continents. And a large chunk of the wealth in this country is concentrated not in the 1%, but in the way-past-1% crowd.

I totally get that $250K annually makes for a very good living and is a very long way from the mean. And I know that there are people earning that much who might not understand how hard it is for the poor. But I think that the real problem in this respect is the hyper-wealthy and what they pay their employees here and overseas.

But there's also another side to the argument about not getting it though: people who think that someone who earns $250K per year is rich don't get what rich truly is. Truly wealthy people live in a world that is very, very different from even the low-end one-percenters earning $500K per year. This is not simply about standard of living. It's about influencing policy, creating problems that damage the economy on a large scale, and getting away with stuff that other people wouldn't even get away with in their dreams.

I'm not shouting that all wealthy people are evil! I'm just pointing out that some of them are very self-interested and you don't need many to be that way to create some serious large-scale problems.

Last edited by Val; 08/14/13 09:50 AM. Reason: Clarity