My DD's IB middle school encourages their students to spend their middle schools years evaluating their interests and creating rough drafts options of their future schooling. In other words they are encouraged to begin looking/comparing colleges and degrees which may be a good fit for them. The problem is, I have absolutely no clue as to what the difference is between Harvard, Yale, and the community college down the street, so I don't feel that I am in any position to offer assistance or guidance. DD does not come from a college bred lot, yet I am certain that she has the self motivation and brains to go anywhere she wants.

Does anyone have a good non-biased website or reference book which outlines many of the US schools in qualitative not quantitatve terms? The web is full of ratings and rankings, but they are of little use to us at this point in the game.

Please understand that I am not looking for your personal college opinions: merely seeking a reference starting point in which to narrow the field so DD can do her own research further into her areas/schools of interest.
