Debbie, thank you for sharing. Yes, please do keep me posted. I was faced with (or should I say slapped with! hehe) the realization last week that there truly is no one in daily life that I can talk to about this! (Trinity had mentioned this before.) Even my mom, and if you can't talk to grandma then who can you talk to???...but even my mom doesn't get it and it sounded as though at one point she thought I was actually saying none of the educators at my son's school are smart enough to teach him. Then there was my husband who has not done one iota of research trying to put his foot down and say NO we are not advancing him to first grade at this point...that we're going to do what's best for the child, not for me. I ask you, as someone who is experiencing this, is this what's best for US as moms? Good grief, the easiest thing for me to do would be to ignore it and just pretend it's not happening.

But I's just difficult on all levels but still I know it is NOT in my son's best interest to drop this. That would be robbery and even his teacher says that.

I'm at the same place you are in realizing public school most likely is not the thing. We will most likely end up having to move over this. And I hate that because we are in an incredible school district which I think will be perfect for my daughter. But my state has no gifted schools, no charter schools, and the private schools are not geared to the gifted...they are either designed for the wealthy or the religious. Of course, they may be better equipped to design a custom program but if they don't specialize then it's kind of the same thing.

So I'm at a loss!

Thanks again for sharing and please keep us updated!
