Okay, yikes. We have two more people who just say they are dumbfounded. This of course makes me proud of my boy, but at the same time I'm a little troubled. The psychologist said she has assessed many children for early advancement but has never seen any child with the reasoning skills Duncan has. She talked to her mother about him. Her mother teaches first grade (not at the same school) and has taught gifted children. She said she has never seen a child so globally advanced...usually they are really strong in one or two areas but according to the psychologist, Duncan is at the top of all areas in which he was tested.

My concern is the same as it was before all this...is grade advancement really the answer? I'm thinking sending him to first grade now may be a step in the right direction, but unfortunately I don't think I can relax with that. This pains me, it really does. I just don't know how it is possible not to stifle this child in some way, however minute.

I guess this will sink in by the time I get the report next week and hopefully I'll be able to make some good decisions when the time comes!

Thanks for listening.