Woodcock Johnson today. She called and said at first she thought we had somehow gotten our hands on a copy and had our son memorize it. Can you believe that? That being said, he was scored against students who are at the end of first grade and he did not reach the 95th percentile cutoff for all areas. He was 85% for handwriting and 92% for math calculations. For reading and comprehension he was off the charts (she said she was floored and the test didn't measure up to what his true ability is). She rambled off some other areas where he did meet the 95th percentile (against the first graders) and said when all the testing is done she'll give me a complete comprehensive report.

Then she told me she is pregnant and asked me what I ate when I was pregnant with my son. LOL! I said bacon and lemons. Way too funny.

So, I must say I'm surprised he didn't score higher. I'm okay that he didn't, but I just expected him to. However, my understanding is that these tests were on academics and if he hasn't been exposed to something yet, I guess he wouldn't know it.

Do any of these tests tell us how quickly he could learn it? That's a big thing with me....if he can learn something in five minutes and never forget it, will the test show that or will he have to go through 9 months of schooling because he hadn't yet seen it when he took the Woodcock Johnson tests?

I'm rambling again.... She has already spoken with the principal and with the director of elementary education for the district and she said she expects them to recommend advancing him.

Next is the social stuff. I filled out a questionnaire today and she will interview me next week. Then she meets with his teacher and she somehow comes up with an adaptive behavior score. Then we have to meet with a first grade teacher and THEN the process should be over.
