Mite's and introvert and Rite's an extrovert. Both like interacting with NICE adults, though. I'm not sure the district folks are always "nice".

I think the processing speed is a big big big issues. Both boys noted to their evaluators that the "hate timed tests", "hate being timed" and such. Rite completed all the matrices and those little block thingys on the WISC IV and Mite completed most of them, but both were outside the time limit when they did. So, processing speed really affected performance on those parts of the test. Mite's PSI was in the 6th%ile. Rite's was in the 68th%ile; so not as severe.

The funny thing is the school district's evaluators don't see that not only does the processing speed affect the PRI scores, but it probably had a profound impact on the VCI scores...especially when further impacted by slow working memory. They don't get it. Rite's ed pscyho even said that Rite answered one of the comprehension questions very thoroughly and profoundly AFTER he'd completed several other tasks. So, in other words, he continued processing THAT question while working on all the other stuff and long after the appropriate time to answer that question. She said she had to give him a "1" because of his immediate answer, but his ponderings later would have given him a higher score.

Still, she felt the test acurately measured his intelligence.

He still scored hi as did Mite, but only in the verbal sections.

The district contends they "have good vocabulary" but are just bright, not gifted, because their scores "average out".


ok ok ok breath breath pant pant....oooohhhhhhmmmmmmm!!!!


Willa Gayle