I am in the same boat with you! But we already advocated for and got early first grade placement (I responded earlier in this thread about the testing we had done). There was a point at the beginning of the year where everyone said that it was a "perfect placement" and that he was "right where he needs to be." That seemed true for the first two months, maybe.

I hate to tell you this, but we are now at the point where DS is complaining that he hates school because everything is too easy!!!! We are now working on getting another meeting set up to discuss the math curriculum that he is bored with (he was doing this math about 1 and 1/2 years ago!) and how to give him reading material that he is excited about (he complains about having to read "preschool books with silly stories and easy words). Yikes, is right!

Someone on another board advised me last summer that one grade skip is usually NOT enough when a child shows a need for such acceleration so early on. And he was right. It is clear to me now that DS will need something very different from the public education he is getting. We just don't know what.

When I asked the school psychologist last summer about her experience working with kids like DS she said to us, "Honestly? I've never seen a child his age with scores this high." Yikes. And now the principal says to me "We are trying to cover all our bases here and do the right thing for him. This is totally new territory for us here at Lincoln Grade school." Yikes, again!

When I started reading boards I thought that my son was perhaps bright, gifted but not "out there gifted," you know what I mean? Because at 5 years old he wasn't showing so many of the signs that go with those higher levels of giftedness. But now, he is showing increased emotional intensity (like crying at TV shows), making statements about school that are way beyond his years ("Mom, I hate learning math with worksheets. I lke to learn math in activities. And why do I have to practice what I already know?" "Mom, isn't science wonderful!!!" "I LOVE doing hard math! How many days until my Saturday class again?!"), identifying that he is different from the other kids in his class and showing all the signs of some pretty asynchronous development. And he is now saying he hates school and asking me not to make him do that "Easy, kindergarten math" anymore.

I'm sorry that I don't have any answers for you, but I thought that sharing my story and our place in this roller coaster ride might make you feel not so alone! You've got a great little guy there! Best of luck - I'll keep you posted if you'll do the same!