Hi and welcome!
My 5 year old was tested using the SB-5, Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, out of level testing (they used the Comprehensive Test Program from ERB) and then scales for behavior and ADHD. We found the comprehensive testing very helpful, each assessment contributing to our overall understanding of our son's cognitive and behavioral strengths/weaknesses.

The psychologist who tested him using the SB-5 specialized in assessing gifted children. She said she could use either the SB-5 or the WPPSI on him, but I asked for the SB-5 because after he topped out on about 6 subtests of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, I was concerned he might do the same on the WPPSI (since it is designed for up to 6 years old). He did score lower than I had thought he would on the SB-5, but the psychologist felt that the verbal subtests "became too difficult too quickly" and that his verbal abilities were not as well developed since he had never attended formal school, just daycare. But the scores definitely reflected giftedness and she did a great job interpreting for us, stating that looking at the full scale IQ was not an accurate representation of his abilities.

The out of level testing helped, too. He took a test designed for second semester high achieving first graders, two years above his educational level at the time. I think that his performance on this test is what made the school agree to let him skip kindergarten. And the ADHD scales ruled out ADD/ADHD so that has helped to fend off complaints/concerns regarding his phsycial activity level and sometimes impulsive seeming behaviors!

Hope all that info helps you. I think it sound like they are doing a comprehensive assessment. Hope it answers some questions for you.
Again, welcome!

Last edited by dajohnson60; 12/16/06 06:40 PM.