A 6-year-old may not read much beyond his or her maturity level either, but in the case of my DS, it's less about Lexile scores than it is about subject matter! Most of the kidfic that's written at his comfortable decoding level is aimed at mid-grades, and he just doesn't relate to stories that require him to understand "older" social situations and emotional concerns. He's even a bit young for Harry Potter right now. (Give him another year!)

Non-fiction, on the other hand... that's a different story. He'll read all kinds of stuff about science, math, other cultures, food (current fave is "Cooking for Geeks"), whatever. I'm glad he hasn't asked sticky questions about ethics and evil yet. Milgram? Whoa!

Asynchronous development in these kids is so hard to manage. I'm just glad we live in an age when we have a ridiculously large supply of books and online reading material -- even though I'm heavily editing his reading lists, he'll never be bored.