Huckleberry - My DD did the WPPSI at 4.75yrs, her score was in the (just barely) HG range but we felt there had been a spoiled subtest and not great rapport with the tester, and school were being difficult. So she then did the SB5 at 5.25 and scored more than half a standard deviation higher, into the DYS range on FSIQ. Due to our strange school start system where a child must do at least 3 and no more than 6 terms of their first year of school, she did two terms of K and then was skipped into a yr 1/2 composite class the following year (when she should have done another year of K), due to a quirk of class composition all of her classmates had been 6 termers, so she was fully a year younger than the next youngest child and fully two years younger than half the class. It was the happiest I had seen her in a year.

Eighteen months into the skip I really wish I had let them place her into the yr2 section of that class, she wasn't ready for yr2 at the beginning of last year, but she's ready to be in yr3 now, not yr2... Arrrghh. So for us that WPPSI at 4.75 years was definitely a minimum. Though at the time, like you (seem to feel), we figured she was no more than "normally bright", she seemed perfectly normal to us. I have had one of the few friends I've spoken to about her journey say to me "She seems like a perfectly normal kid to me" (with absolute kindness of intent). She does seem perfectly normal... We used to joke she was HG at dress up and sandpit.

Last edited by MumOfThree; 06/12/13 05:05 PM.