Ha. I was all set to be a gifted advocate in our schools, but we ended up sending him to a Non-Fancy Private School that didn't require advocacy -- they just give DS the materials and challenge that he needs.

Obviously, we still pay taxes and thus have a stake in our town's public schools! But because DS has never actually gone there, I can't realistically have a say about what's going on in those schools. No one will listen. Lack of gifted support is the primary reason we're not sending him there, but now I'm in the catch-22 of not being able to effect any change at all.

So I kind of feel stuck. I mean, I'd like to not have to pay for private school tuition, but I'm not going to send DS to a public school that can't serve his needs and then spend the next N years fighting for a gifted program (probably in vain, since other parents have fought and failed). Am I right? *sigh*