I wasn't a non-believer in the past, just naive. I had no idea about the variety of giftedness, but I have learnt so much in the past year. Now, I am passionate about advocating for my son. Once upon a time, I didn't think it was appropriate to put my son in kindy a year early (scared of the "social implications"), but now I am demanding this and that for my boy. I also encourage other parents to look closer at their children; I have even led a couple of parents towards the idea that their child could be gifted.

My son goes to an apparent school for gifted kids, although they are quite reluctant to do anything to help gifted kids before the age of eight. I will be organising a gifted education coordinator (from a private high school) to go in and talk to the teachers. She starts off by talking to them like they're kids, and after 15 minutes of boredom she explains that that is what it is like for gifted children in class.