Lori - I can relate to the coloring. Ds7 had visual perceptual deficits and fine motor delays. He had 2.5 years of vision therapy between 4 and 6 years old due to the lack of eye-hand coordination, etc. He's better now, but he still hates coloring. Always has.

When ds was in special needs pre-k, they wanted to keep him in special needs for kindergarten too due to this issues and others. I pulled him and put him in a gifted, private school instead. I was also told by a 2e expert that I'd have to be prepared for ds to fail in the public schools before they did anything to help him. Gee, thanks.

Doubtfulguest - I do feel for you. I knew DS was bright when he was in special needs, but I didn't think he was 2e or so, so. I think a lot of us go through a process of grappling with what we got and how to deal with it, often without any help from the public schools.

No one mentions the fact that your child may not be accommodated at public/private school in the parenting books. Or the fact that the public schools are in such a state that you might not want them to go there anyway (e.g. bullying).