I made the final decision to homeschool my DS for K just a few days ago. I've been considering it for a few months, but the clincher came for me last week. He told me he doesn't "feel smart" at preschool, but he DOES "feel smart" at home. At home, his knowledge of biology surpassed mine a while ago and I had to resort to buying college text books and relying extensively on google to answer his questions - at school, they're learning worms are "squishy". Go figure.

I actually didn't realize my son was gifted until recently. Sure, he was talking in full sentences by his first birthday and uses his McDonald's happy meal toys to enact in amazing detail the mating rituals of various species of Birds of Paradise - but don't all kids do that?

I started my homeschool experiment a few months ago (in enough time to register him for public K if this homeschooling thing didn't pan out). I met another homeschool mom at a library class, and after talking to me for about 10 minutes she suggested I research homeschooling gifted children. Apparently, the "problems" I was having - finishing first grade math in 3 weeks and struggling with DS's ridiculous level of perfectionism - weren't just normal homeschooling stuff.

Before trying out homeschooling, DS had been increasingly withdrawn, moody, and self-defeating. I could tell his self esteem was dipping, but I couldn't figure out why. Everyone in his life is positive (including his teacher at preschool, who has done nothing but praise him and encourage him). The more we homeschool and the more I learn about his giftedness, the more I realize what's been going on inside his little head and heart. And it's bringing back memories of how *I* felt in public elementary school as a gifted kid.

During this homeschool experiment, I've slowly learned how to challenge my DS without putting too much pressure on him (motivate him without crossing over his perfectionist threshold), and he has flourished! My funny, happy, engaging, curious kid is coming back!

And that's how I know we've moved from "maybe" to "definitely" homeschooling :-)